
Showing posts with label 03. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 03. Show all posts

Friday, October 26, 2012

PY-03: Solving Problems, Part 1

Programs are very useful for the purpose of solving problems. Many programmers know this potential of programs, and use it to their advantage. However, all is not so straight-forward in the world of programming and problem-solving; there are as many ways to go about finding a solution as there are stars in the sky (perhaps more!).

All in all, the method by which you code a program for finding the solution to a problem is up to the programmer -- you. That is why it is important to learn some of the basic ways by which one can arrive at a solution. Only after you understand these ways, can you move on to more complicated problem-solving.

Before we begin, please note that open and close brackets, i.e. "[" and "]" respectively, will contain raw code.

Decrementing Function

The first method is the decrementing function. A decrementing function starts with a non-negative value, which is decreased each time the program repeats the function's loop. The function will loop so long as the starting value is non-negative, but once it is equal to or less than 0, it will terminate.